The next meeting of members East Malaysia Region Office will be held on Monday, 27 August 2018 at 9.00 a.m at Pejabat Pusat Khidmat Dewan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak (DUBS), Sub lot 4‐12 & 13, 3rd Floor, DUBS Commercial Centre,Lot 376 l 3 Jalan Petanak 93100 Kuching Sarawak.
1.....To confirm minutes meeting on 21 February 2018
2.....Presentation of the following:‐
.......a) Industrial Court Cases Award by MEF Consultant, Mr George Young Junior
.......b) Voluntary Employees Benefits Scheme that cover employees outside Socso/office hours by Mr Lee Khee Chuan from Standard Financial Adviser Sdn Bhd
3.....Matters arising
4.....Any other business