Mr Vignesh Velayuthan is a dynamic and result oriented trainer with 25 years of experience in a leadership position in the MNC & Hospitality industry. He carries wide experience & knowledge gained from working in various countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Switzerland & UK. He articulates various managerial positions, project management, trainings & HR Skills in manufacturing and hospitality industries. Graduated from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (B.Econs) and Post Graduate Hospitality Management (PGD) from HIM, Switzerland, he is also a Certified CIPP (AIBFM) & HRDC Certified. He has an innate sense of task prioritization, managerial aptitude, training & development and result oriented attitude towards accelerating organizational growth in a competitive environment.
DR DZULZALANI EDEN is the Director – MEF Academy with more than 30 years experience in the field of labour and industrial relations. Prior to joining the Malaysian Employers Federation, he began his career in 1990 with the Ministry of Human Resources, where he had held various positions namely as Labour Inspector, Senior Labour Officer cum Industrial Relations Officer and Senior Assistant Director of Labour at the Department of Labour Sarawak as well as at the Ministry’s Putrajaya office. The main duties carried out in these roles include enforcement of labour laws through workplace inspection, conciliation and arbitration of labour complaints and dismissal cases, advisory roles, other labour matters and consultations with the public.
In 2014 he joined Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and pursued a role as a Senior Lecturer of Industrial Relations and Labour Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities teaching labour and industrial relations laws, negotiation and trade unions. He has also taught industrial relations and labour laws at Univeristi Malaysia Sabah. A strong educational professional having a doctorate in industrial relations and human resource management from Victoria University, Melbourne, he is also a certified trainer with the Human Resources Development Corporation (HRDC), Ministry of Human Resources.