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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: 603-7498 7200

Upcoming Trainings & Events
[KK] Labour Ordinance of Sabah (Amendment) Act 2024Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu 4-5 September 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
Download Registration Form
Course Fee
RM 1, 590 (inclusive SST) per participant
Early Bird by 18 AUGUST 2024 : RM 1,431
The Sabah Labour Ordinance (Amendment) Bill 2024 was tabled for its first reading in the Dewan Rakyat on 10/07/2024. The aim of these changes is to comply with international standards and practices as required by the International Labour Organization (ILO), in line with Malaysia's obligations and commitments at the international level. This is also the first step towards compliance with the obligations under the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
Unlike the current wage limit of RM2,500 and below, the amendment, once implemented, will cover all employees regardless of their wages, with certain exceptions. Other major changes include a 45-hour workweek, 98 days of maternity leave, paternity leave, increased entitlement to sick leave, sexual harassment investigation procedures, protection against discrimination in employment, flexible working arrangements, changes to provisions on employment of children and young person, provision of minimum standards for housing, accommodation, and amenities, etc. The objectives of this course are:
• To equip participants with the understanding of the new provisions of the Ordinance to ensure proper implementation in the workplace and avoid non-compliance.
• To offer guidance for employers in making changes to their existing human resources policy and contract of employment.
Course Contents
Day 1
• General Amendment
• Scope of the Ordinance
• Interpretation and Definition
• First schedule, Second schedule & Third schedule
• Contract of Employment/Contract for Service
• Presumption as to who is employee and employer.
• Hours of Work, Overtime Rest Day & Public Holidays
• Payment of Wages/Formulas of Wages Calculations
• Sick Leave & Hospitalization
• Maternity & Paternity Leave
• Principals, Contractors, Sub-Contractors & Contractors for Labour
• Employment of Children & Young Person
• Flexible working arrangement
Case Analysis & Group Activities
• Analysis of Court Case (Labour Court/Industrial Court/High Court
• Interactive Learning
Day 2
Housing and other amenities
• Building to comply with requirements
• Building endangering health or safety
• Nursery
• Community hall, sports and other recreational facilities.
Housing and other amenities
• Duty to provide medical care, etc., and recovery of medical expenses
• Accommodation to be certified with Certificate for Accommodation.
Sexual harassment
• Inquiry into complaints
• Findings of inquiry by employer
• Discrimination in Employment
• Forced Labour
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.
This course will also be conducted at the following dates/venues
There are currently no events scheduled for other dates or venues.