Malaysian Employers Federation proudly presents

10 October 2018 (Wednesday)
8.30 am – 9.00 am Arrival and Registration
9.00 am – 9.05 am Opening Speech
9.05 am – 10.25 am Pre employment Discrimination Issues – What to Look out For?
  by Datuk Hj Shamsuddin Bardan
MEF Executive Director
10.25 am – 10.40 am Tea-break and Networking
10.40 am – 12.00 pm Discrimination Issues – Perspectives of the Industrial Court
  by Y.A. Tuan Peter Iruthayaraj
Chairman of Industrial Court of Malaysia
12.00 pm – 12.45 pm Welcome Address
  Keynote Address & Opening of the Conference
  by YB Dato' Mahfuz bin Omar
Deputy Prime Deputy Minister of Human Resources (tbc)
  Launching of the latest IR Publication on “Discrimination at the Workplace - Law and Practice”
12.45 pm – 2.15 pm Lunch and Networking
2.15 pm – 4.30 pm Panel Discussion
  Equal opportunity in Employment
  Ministry of Human Resource (tbc)
  Puan Junaina binti Johan
Principal Assistant Secretary, Policy of Women, Family and Community Division, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development
  Datuk Hj Shamsuddin Bardan
MEF Executive Director
4.30 pm Tea-break and Networking
7.30 pm MEF Annual Dinner
11 October 2018 (Thursday)
9.00 am – 10.15 am Employment and Post Employment Discrimination Issues - Challenges and Strategies
  by Tn Hj Zaikon Jaafar, Encik Goh Seng Wing, Puan Saraswathi Ravindran
MEF IR Senior Consultants
10.15 am – 10.35 am Tea-break and Networking
10.35 am – 11.50 pm Workplace Bullying - Speak Up
  by Dr Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Clerkship Director, Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine
11.50 am – 1.05 pm Sexual Harassment – Latest Cases and Issues
  by Y.A. Puan Rajeswari Karupiah
Chairman of Industrial Court of Malaysia
1.05 pm – 2.30 pm Lunch and Networking
2.30 pm – 4.30 pm Panel Discussion
  Proposed New Laws on Reference of Dismissal Cases to Industrial Court and Claim for Recognition
  Y.A. Puan Noor Ruwena binti Dato’ Md. Nurdin
Chairman of Industrial Court, Industrial Court of Malaysia, MoHR
  Encik S. Somahsundram
Vice‐President (Private Sector), MTUC
  Encik A. Ramadass
MEF Vice‐President (tbc)
4.30 pm Tea-break and End of Conference

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