Malaysian Employers Federation proudly presents

Y.A. Tuan P. Iruthayaraj D. PappusamyChairman of Industrial Court
Y.A. Tuan P. Iruthayaraj D. Pappusamy graduated from the University of Buckingham (U.K) with a Degree of Bachelor of Laws (Hon) in 1986.  Prior to this, he had obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management from Sheffield Polytechnic, U.K in 1978 specializing in Industrial Relations. He has a PSMB Certificate in “Train the Trainer” (TTT/15452).
He served as Chairman of Industrial Court for 11 years since 16.09.2003 and he had retired from this position on 24.10.2014.
 He was initially posted to the Industrial Court in Sabah for 7 years and in 2010 he was transferred to Industrial Court Kuala Lumpur.  During his service as Chairman of Industrial Court, he had adjudicated on numerous cases which were referred to the Industrial Court by the Honorable Minister of Human Resources with regard to dismissal cases under s20(3) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967, Trade Disputes relating to Collective Agreements, complaints under s8 (2A) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 and other matters related to industrial disputes.  Besides this he had also successfully applied mediation and early evaluation skills in resolving industrial disputes. He was also holding the position of Chairman of Social Security Appellate Board.
He also had vast working experience in all aspects of Human Resources Management in a number of multinational companies.  In addition to that, he was involved in manufacturing and also provided human resource services for the marketing and sales personnel in a multinational organization.  He was admitted as an Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1988 and was in private legal practice for several years handling civil and industrial cases, in the Industrial Court, and the Appellate Courts as well. In addition to the above he had also presented a number of seminar papers at various forums involving industrial relations and social security laws.
After his retirement as Chairman of Industrial Court, he then in early November 2014, took up the position as Special Functions Adviser to the Executive Director of MEF in early November 2014. During his tenure of service in MEF he had designed and conducted a unique programme entitled Certificate in Domestic Inquiry for all HR and IR Practitioners for the DRB-HICOM Group of Companies as well as for other relevant personnel. He has authored two books which were published by MEF, namely (1) Handling of Cases at the Industrial Court of Malaysia which was published in 2016 and (2) Co-authored the book on Practical Guide on Performance Management together with MEF Senior Consultant – Industrial Relation Lt. Col. (R) Hj. Mohd Akhir Hamzah. On 04.03.2018 he was appointed as the Chairman of Industrial Court (Task Force) to assist in the expeditious disposal of cases at the Industrial Court.
Y.A. Puan Rajeswari KarupiahChairman of Industrial Court Kuala Lumpur

Y.A. Puan Rajeswari Karupiah has been appointed as Chairman in the Industrial Court Kuala Lumpur with effect from 23 April 2018.

Puan Rajeswari graduated with an LLB (Hons) from the University of London in 1992 and initially pursued a career as a Law Lecturer. She was called to the Malaysian Bar in 1997 and has since practiced as an Industrial Relations and Employment Lawyer. In her law practice, Puan Rajeswari has acted in numerous cases for employees, trade unions and many prominent corporations.

Puan Rajeswari joined The World Bank in Washington as Legal Consultant in 2011 where she worked on several successful projects including the introduction of Minimum Wages in Malaysia in 2012.

Aside from legal practice in Malaysia, Puan Rajeswari has worked as a Senior Legal Advisor to a large corporation in State of Qatar where she has advised on cross- border transactions, mergers and acquisitions, corporate, commercial and contracting issues.

Puan Rajeswari has presented many employment related papers in conferences and has co-authored several World Bank reports including the Optimal Design for a Minimum Wage Policy in Malaysia and the System of Foreign Labour Immigration in Malaysia.

Datuk Hj Shamsuddin Bin BardanExecutive Director, Malaysian Employers Federation

As the Executive Director of MEF, Datuk Hj Shamsuddinis entrusted with the full responsibilities of administrating the organization.  MEF is the apex private sector employers’ organization in Malaysia with more than 5,300 ordinary members and 22 association members. The members of MEF employ more than 2.1 million employees. 

Datuk Hj Shamsuddin heads the MEF Secretariat with a team consisting of 30 professional staff and 20 support staff.  As the Executive Director of MEF, Datuk Hj Shamsuddin recommends policies to be pursued by MEF in ensuring that the private sector in Malaysia operates in a more business friendly environment so as to ensure the private sector employers remain competitive.  Policies to be pursued by MEF are formulated by the secretariat and after approval by the Council will be submitted to various authorities to ensure that the policies of the Government would not inhibit the vibrancy of the private sector employers.
The efficient and effective work of Datuk Hj. Shamsuddin in managing MEF was internationally and regionally recognized when he was appointed as the Secretary-General of Confederation of Asia Pacific Employers (CAPE) and Secretary-General of ASEAN Confederation of Employers (ACE) (2013 – 2015).
Mr Goh Seng WingMEF Senior Consultant – Industrial Relations


  • Provide advice and guidance to MEF member companies on Labour Laws, Industrial Relations and HR matters
  • Prepare and attend cases to represent MEF member companies at Industrial Court and Labour Court
  • Represent MEF member companies in the conciliation proceedings at Industrial Relations Department
  • Provide training, covering topics relating to Labour Laws and Industrial Relations.



  • Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)
  • Certification in Training, PSMB


Working Experiences

  • Former Deputy Director General of Labour, Department of Labour, Peninsular Malaysia (HQ)
  • Former Senior Director of Industrial Relations, Department of Industrial Relations Malaysia
Tn Hj Zaikon JaafarMEF Senior Consultant – Industrial Relations


  • Provide advice and guidance to MEF member companies to member companies on labour laws and IR matters
  • Prepare and attend cases on behalf of member companies at Industrial Court and Labour Court
  • Assist in training, covering topics relating to labour laws and industrial relations
Education & Professional Affiliation
  • Higher School Certificate (1964)
  • Member of the Malaysian Institute of Personnel Management (Founder Member)
  • Panel Member of the Industrial Court for 16 years (until 1999)
  • Member of the Industrial Relations Panel, Malaysian Employers Federation for 15 years (until 1998)
  • Certificate in Train the Trainer issued by Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad (PSMB)
Working Experiences
  • Labour/Industrial Relations Officer, Ministry of Human Resource
  • Human Resource Manager, Harper Gilfillan (M) Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur
  • Human Resource Manager, General Instrument (M) Sdn Bhd
  • Human Resource Manager, Motorola Semiconductor Sdn Bhd
  • Group HR Manager Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  • Group HR Manager, Carrier International Sdn Bhd
  • Director of HR, Philips Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Ms Saraswathi RavindranMEF Senior Consultant – Industrial Relations


  • Provide advice and guidance to member companies on labour laws and industrial relations and disciplinary matters
  • Represent members at conciliation meetings at the IR Department and Labour Department
  • Prepare and attend cases on behalf of member companies at Industrial Court and Labour Court on cases relating to dismissal on grounds of misconduct.
  • Conduct training, covering topics relating to labour laws and industrial relations



  • LLB (Hons) University of Northumbria, UK
  • CLP
  • Trainer Certified by PSMB – TTT/4530


Working Experiences:

  • 2005 -              Attachment, M/s Vinod Sharman Raihan & Co
  • 2005 – 2006      Chambering, M/s Zulrafique & Partners
  • 2006 - 2007       Legal Asst (IR) M/s Zulrafique & Partners
  • 2008 – to date   MEF Senior Consultant. Industrial Relations


Selection of Courses Offered

  • Disciplinary Procedures
  • Employment Act 1955 & Regulations
  • Industrial Relation Act 1967
  • Termination of Employment
  • Certificate in Industrial Relations

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