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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: 603-7498 7200

Industrial Relations
GET IT RIGHT - Mastering the Application of Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Chap. 76) & The Rules

1. To understand the key provisions of the Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Cap. 76) and its appropriate implementations.
2. To comprehend the implementation of the Ordinance with reference to decided cases at the Labour Court & appeals at Civil Courts.
3. To provide participants with the knowledge and skills in the effective applications of the Ordinance at the workplace and in addressing its foreseeable changes.

Topics Covered

Day 1
• Key definitions / interpretations
• Register/Returns & Labour Rules
• Contract of Service & Rules on Contents of Contract
• Types of Employment: Permanent/Part Time/Casual/Contract for Service
• Hours of Work, Overtime, Rest Day, Leave & Holiday
• Wages Payment, Advances & Deductions
Day 2
• Termination of Contract, Termination & Lay-off Benefits & The Application of Related Rules
• Complaint & Inquiries - Labour Court Procedures
• Special Employment: Women, Children & Young Person & Non-resident
• Proposed Changes to Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Chapter 76): Reflections to Employment Act (Amendment 2022)
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.

Target Audience

​▪ Human Resources/Industrial Relations practitioners/officers
▪ Head of Department/Units
▪ Operations Managers, Supervisors and staff at Management Level



Scheme SBL Fee RM 1, 590
Duration 14 Hours Members Less NA