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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: 603-7498 7200

Upcoming Trainings & Events
[Sibu] GET IT RIGHT - Mastering the Application of Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Chap. 76) & The Rules Tanahmas Hotel, Sibu 13-14 August 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
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DR. DZULZALANI EDEN, Director – MEF Academy with more than 30 years experience in the field of labour and industrial relations. Prior to joining the Malaysian Employers Federation, he began his career in 1990 with the Ministry of Human Resources, where he had held various positions namely as Labour Inspector, Senior Labour Officer cum Industrial Relations Officer and Senior Assistant Director of Labour at the Department of  Labour Sarawak as well as at the Ministry’s Putrajaya office.
MR PHANG PIN, a Senior Assistant Director, Department of Labour Sarawak, currently attached to the Enforcement Division, Department of Labour Sarawak. He has worked with the Department of Labour Sarawak since 2005 and has served as the Assistant Director of Labour at Labour Office Kuching from 2005 to 2015, Labour Office Sibu from 2015 to 2017. He holds Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Development) from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2004 and has been actively conducting trainings and briefing on labour and employment issues with various institutions.
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