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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

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Upcoming Trainings & Events
NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) IN SALES MEF Academy, Petaling Jaya 24 September 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
Download Registration Form
MS. CHONG WAN LING is an experienced professional with a rich background spanning 13 years in the higher education industry. Passionate about both academic and business development, she is dedicated to leveraging her expertise to make a positive impact on society by providing top-quality education and fostering opportunities to the future leaders. Her expertise extends to business development, where she has successfully identified and pursued opportunities for growth and expansion. Her extensive experience also encompasses training, where she has excelled in developing and delivering impactful training programmes tailored to the unique needs of diverse audiences. She has played a pivotal role in designing and implementing training initiatives aimed at enhancing skills and capabilities of staff and students alike. Her innovative approach to training delivery ensures that participants are actively engaged and equipped with practical skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios.

​• Applying the skills of needs analysis to understand what the customer wants vs needs
• The NLP Sales Selling Cycle
• The NLP Science of Influencing Others
• Understanding and applying NLP needs based selling technique
• Learning NLP closing techniques for successful sales
• Learning NLP persuasion techniques and its uses during a selling conversation
• Understand effective NLP ways to positively influence people

Topics Covered

​1. Neuro Linguistic Programming Introduction
2. Enhance Performance
3. Mastering the State of the Mind
4. Power of Persuasion
5. Magic of Rapport
6. Mindset of a Sales Warrior


 *For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.

Target Audience
Scheme SBL Fee RM 900
Duration 7 Hours Members Less
This course will also be conducted at the following dates/venues
24 October 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)MEF Academy, Petaling Jayamore details  >>
14 November 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)MEF Academy, Petaling Jayamore details  >>
There are currently no events scheduled for other dates or venues.