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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: 603-7498 7200

Upcoming Trainings & Events
COACHING FOR BEGINNERSMEF Academy, Petaling Jaya 26-27 Sep 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
Download Registration Form
Course Fee
RM 1, 600 (inclusive SST) per participant
This 2-day workshop is designed for beginners who are interested in exploring the fundamentals of coaching. Participants will gain foundational knowledge, essential skills, and practical techniques to begin their journey as coaches or integrate coaching principles into their current roles. Through interactive sessions, experiential learning activities, and discussions, participants will learn how to facilitate positive change and empower others through effective coaching practices.
Who is this course for?
Professionals, HR practitioners and Entrepreneurs interested in learning coaching skills to enhance employee engagement, performance management, and talent development initiatives.
How is this course delivered?
This intensive 2-day workshop involves collaborative
learning activities such as discussions, presentations,
role-plays and skills practice.
Course Outline
Module 1:What is Coaching?
Module 2: Core Coaching Skills
Module 3: Coaching Models and Approaches
Module 4: Ethics and Professional Standards
Module 5: Establishing the Coaching Relationship
Module 6: Effective Communication in Coaching
Module 7: Coaching Tools and Techniques
Module 8: Coaching Practice and Feedback
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.
Farha Uzaimi is a result-oriented, certified trainer who strongly believes in Human Capital Development. Her intense passion in learning and training makes her one of the trainers in Malaysia acknowledged by the Panel of Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Bhd (PSMB) to conduct its HRDF Train-The-Trainer and Master Trainer Cert IV in Training and Assessment programs for the public and private sectors. She has sound working experience in education (special needs, young learners, and tertiary levels), human resource
management, coaching, instructional design, travel and tourism, hospitality, and retail. She thrives at working in a multiracial environment and works closely to conceptualize, plan and implement ideas based on the organization's vision and mission towards achieving its goals and objectives.
This course will also be conducted at the following dates/venues
There are currently no events scheduled for other dates or venues.