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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel: 603-7498 7200

Upcoming Trainings & Events
[PJ] DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Eastin Hotel, PJ 26 September 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
Download Registration Form
Course Fee
RM 1, 000 (inclusive SST) per participant

This programme is designed to assist participants to understand the procedural aspects to be followed in enforcing disciplinary actions at the workplace.
Participants upon completion of this course would be able to handle disciplinary issues, recommend and enforce appropriate disciplinary action while complying with the best practices and in accordance to the law. During the course of this programme the Trainer would share numerous Court decisions pertaining to this.
• What is Discipline
• Handling Discipline
• Duties and obligations of an employer/worker
• Various types of Misconduct including;
   -Absenteeism, malingering, late coming
   -Abuse of sick leave
   -Fraud, cheating, false claim
   -Theft, insubordination, assault
   -Abusive language, drug use
   -Sexual Harassment
   -Cyber Misconduct
• Breach of contract - Section 15(2) EA 1955
• Issues relating to Condonation
• Disciplinary Procedures and the “Due process” requirement under the law:
  -Investigation process of misconducts
  -Show Cause Letter
  -Drafting of Charge sheet
  -Brief understanding of Domestic Inquiry
• Punishments to be imposed
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.

A Principal Consultant-IR with more than 15 years’ experience with MEF. She is a lawyer by profession who has completed her Masters in Law (UKM). She graduated from University of Northumbria UK and also has the Certificate in Legal Practice. Prior to joining MEF she has worked in an established Legal Firm in Kuala Lumpur as an Advocate and Solicitor specializing in Industrial Relations Practice. Her current duties include handling Industrial and Labour Court cases representing MEF’s Member Companies. She also provides advisory and consultancy services to member Companies pertaining to Employment matters. She is also actively involved in providing Trainings, in relation to The Employment Act 1955, Disciplinary Procedures, Managing Probationers, Termination.

This course will also be conducted at the following dates/venues
There are currently no events scheduled for other dates or venues.