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Training Directory 2024
3A06-3A07, Block A,
Phileo Damansara II,
No. 15 Jalan 16/11, Seksyen 16,
46350 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

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Upcoming Trainings & Events
[KK] GET IT RIGHT - MASTERING THE APPLICATION OF LABOUR ORDINANCE (SABAH CHAP. 67) & THE RULES Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu 24-25 April 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
Download Registration Form
Course Fee
RM1,590 per pax

The Labour Ordinance (Sabah Chapter 67) is a piece of legislation designed to safe guard the rights and welfare of employees in the state. It serves as a frame work for ensuring that employers provide fair and just treatment to their workers and lays out the standards and procedures that employers must follow to comply with the law.
It is important for employers to have the right knowledge of the different interpretation and applications of the Ordinance to avoid unnecessary litigation process such as compound, prosecution and complaints from employees.
This workshop is designed to focus on the applications of Ordinance with discussions and evaluations of real cases decided by the Labour Court and Civil Court. It also provide participants with the strategies in order to ensure the proper implementation of the Ordinance and its foresee able changes.
1. To understand the key provisions of the Labour Ordinance (Sabah Cap.67) and its appropriate implementations.
2. To comprehend the implementation of the Ordinance with reference to decided cases at the Labour Court & appeals at Civil Courts.
3. To provide participants with the knowledge and skills in the effective applications of the Ordinance at the workplace and in addressing its foreseeable changes.
▪ Human Resources/Industrial Relations practitioners/officers
▪ Head of Department/Units
▪ Operations Managers, Supervisors and staff at Management Level
Course Outline
Day 1
• Key definitions / interpretations
• Register/Returns & LabourRules
• Contract of Service & Rules on Contents of Contract
• Types of Employment: Permanent/Part Time/Casual/Contract for Service
• Hours of Work, Overtime, Rest Day, Leave & Holiday
• Wages Payment, Advances & Deductions
Day 2
• Termination of Contract, Termination & Lay-off Benefits & The Application of Related Rules
• Complaint & Inquiries-LabourCourt Procedures
• Special Employment : Women, Children & Young Person & Non-resident
• Proposed Changes to LabourOrdinance (Sabah Chapter 67): Reflections to Employment Act (Amendment 2022)
*For more information, please click and refer to the brochure.
MR ASARAF SAHIMUN or fondly known as Ash is a young Sabahan professional that has worked with various organizations ranging from MNC, Public-listed Corporation to SME. He has assumed several designations throughout his career, started off as an HR Associate to HR Manager before he joined MEF as one of the Industrial Relations Consultants.
As MEF Consultant, he is entrusted to provide advices to MEF members with regards to labour laws among other things and also, representing them at the Labour and Industrial Courts in Sabah. His vast HR experience has enabled him to provide constructive advices and feedbacks to Sabah MEF members. He holds a degree in law and a master degree specializing in criminal justice from University of Malaya (UM). As an HRD Corp Certified Trainer, he conducts public and in-house trainings to all HRD Corp claimable courses.
This course will also be conducted at the following dates/venues
There are currently no events scheduled for other dates or venues.