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MEF Academy Events
 04[Sabah-Sarawak] HR & IR FOR BEGINNERS4-5 July 2024; 18-19 July 2024; 29-30 July 2024; 8-9 Aug 2024; 26-27 Aug 2024
 06[ONLINE] HRD Corp Train the Trainer 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 July 2024 (9am – 5pm)
 08Business Communication Series: Online Presentation Skills 8 July 2024 (8.30 AM – 5.00 PM)
 09Business Communication Series: Presentation Skills (Intermediate Level) 9-10 July 2024 (8.30 AM – 5.00 PM)
 09[Peninsular] HR & IR FOR BEGINNERS9-10 July 2024; 22-23 July 2024; 12-13 Aug 2024 (8.30 AM – 5.00 PM)
 09[BATU PAHAT] HR FOR BEGINNERS9-10 July 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
 09[Face to Face] Harness the power of AI for HR 9-10 July 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
 10[IT] Power BI Desktop Essential Skills 10-11 July 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
 10[IT] Microsoft Excel Functions & Formulas 10-11 July 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
 10[PJ] UNDERSTANDING LABOUR LAWS 10-11 July 2024 (9.00 AM – 5.00 PM)
 11[Sibu] GET IT RIGHT - Mastering the Application of Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Chap. 76) & The Rules11-12 July 2024 (8.30 AM – 5.00 PM)

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 Sick days cost RM5bil  This estimate is based on the total cost involved for wages of employees on sick leave, outpatient clinical costs and replacement costs for employees on sick leave based on overtime payment, said MEF president Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman.The Star   |   Sunday, 26 February 2023
 MEF complains over RM5b cost of sick days, says employers should punish those who take extra leave  Employers allegedly lost around RM5 billion due to their staff taking sick days last year, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) president Datuk Syed Hussain Syed Husman reportedly claimed.Malay Mail   |   Sunday, 26 February 2023
 Pos Malaysia Berhad vs Selim Bin Othman  Mr Bernard Kanny from our Industrial Relations Department successfully defended our member company, Pos Malaysia Berhad in an unfair dismissal claim brought by a former Postman of the Company pursuant to Section 20 of the Industrial Relations Act 1967 (“IRA”) at the Industrial Court of Kuala Lumpur.Industrial Court Award 2583/2022   |   Wednesday, 8 February 2023
 Total costs incurred by employers three times higher when medical leave is abused  MEF president Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman said it is more unfortunate if the employee is actually not ill and merely abusing the healthcare privilege provided by the employer.The Sun   |   Friday, 20 January 2023
 MEF fully supports the Minister of Human Resources on the Deferment of Implementation of Employment Act Amendment  The amended Employment Act 1955 (EA 1955), among other things, reduces weekly working hours from 48 to 45, maternity leave has been increased from 60 days to 98 days while paternity leave of 7 days was introduced for the first time.Press Release   |   Monday, 29 August 2022
 病假多年实践良好 雇联会不支持月事假  大马雇主联合会(MEF)不支持提供女职员每月 经期时的“月事假”建议,理由是许多雇主都会在医生建议下,批给有需要的女 员工病假,而且有关实践多年来一直运作良好。China Press   |   Friday, 22 July 2022
 【独家】影响生产力·人力成本增 月事假让雇 主“大阵痛”  大马雇主联合会(MEF)主席拿督赛胡申博士及诚信西药行药剂师兼创办人张珲珊接受《南洋 商报》访问时,皆表示目前并不是实施月事假的好时机,而他们针对此事或引发的性别歧视 也各有表述。Nanyang siang pau   |   Thursday, 21 July 2022
 非所有女性会经痛 MEF不支持 女性组织:至少该给 1天有薪假  不过,大马雇主联合会(MEF)主席拿督赛胡先并不认同这一点,他说 大马不提供经期假,女职员在月经期间可以酌情申请带薪或无薪病假。Sin Chew Daily   |   Thursday, 2 June 2022
 Half salary for staff on home quarantine  A worker who is required to undergo isolation due to family members testing positive for COVID-19 should be entitled to 50% of salary or unpaid leave for half of the quarantine period, according to the latest guideline issued by the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) on September 5.Sin Chew Daily   |   Sunday, 12 September 2021
 MEF: Let bosses decide on leave  Employers’ role and responsibility in achieving herd immunity against Covid-19 is critical, especially as vaccination of workers would not be carried out on the same day, said MEF president Datuk Dr Syed Hussain Syed Husman.The Star   |   Monday, 12 April 2021
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