MEF Council

The Management of MEF is vested in the Council, which consists of representatives from Ordinary Members elected at the Annual General Meeting and representatives from Association Members who are nominated by the individual Association Members.

The current Council Members were elected at the MEF Annual General Meeting held on 24 September 2024 at Eastin Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.


Y.Bhg. Datuk Dr. Syed Hussain Syed Husman, P.J.N., J.P.

SVTT Resources Sdn Bhd


Dr. Mohd Syukri Ahmad Sudari

AFFIN Bank Berhad

Encik Nik Mustapha bin Nik Mohamed

Peopleinsync Consulting Group Sdn Bhd

Puan Anne Kung Soo Ching

Sarawak Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI)

Encik Edwin Yeap Khoo Soon

CJ Century Logistics Holdings Berhad

Honorary Treasurer

Encik Mohd Farid Shah bin Mohd Basir

MBSB Bank Berhad (MBSB Bank)


Puan Peggy Chew Being Being

Sarawak Timber Association (STA)

Elected Ordinary Members

Encik Zulkifly b Abdul Rahman

Hikmah Tani Sdn Bhd

Encik Rutheran Sivagnanam

Chamber Group Sdn Bhd

Puan Zaharah Binti Ibrahim

Gapima Sdn Bhd

Dr. Nadia Elaiza Binti Norisam

Hampshire Healthcare Sdn Bhd

Encik Amran Bin Zakaria

Johor Plantations Group Berhad

Encik Amiruddin Bin Abdul Shukor

Corporate Services Division, MDEC

Association Members

Ms. Jackline Mariyam Pillai

Association of Insurance Employers (AIE)

Ms. Ho Gee Leng

Commercial Employers Assn. of Penin. M'sia (CEAPM)

Tn Hj Abdul Rahman Bin Ishak

Malaysian Chamber of Mines (MCM)

Encik Alan Khoo Choom Kwong

Sabah Employers Consultative Association

Encik Christopher Raj, KMN

Association of Hotel Employers (AHE)

Puan Mazhatulshima Binti Mohd Zahid

Malayan Commercial Banks' Association (MCBA)

Council Members

Puan Nadiah Tan Abdullah

Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad

YBhg. Dato' Sri Tan Thian Poh

Malaysian Textile Manufacturers Association (MTMA)

Mr. Ragunathan Marthammuthu

Right Track Education Sdn Bhd