Profile of Company
Nature of Business *
Information on Company’s Management
Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director/General Manager/Executive Director/Director
Person in-charge of Human Resources / Industrial Relations
Person in-charge of training
Person in-charge of Finance
Information on Company’s Capital Ownership
Information on Appointment For Nominee
This is the company's primary representative, to attend MEF annual AGM with voting rights. He/she can stand for election (if nominee opts). Nominee designation must be CEO, GM, Managing Director and above or equivalent.
Type of Membership
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Entrance & Annual Subscription Fees
20 Employees and less |
21 - 100 Employees |
RM 500.00 |
RM 1000.00 |
101-200 Employees |
201-300 Employees |
301-400 Employees |
401-3,900 Employees |
3,901-9,999 Employees |
10,000 & Above Employees |
RM 9.00
Per Employee |
RM 7.00
Per Employee |
RM 5.00
Per Employee |
RM 3.00
Per Employee |
RM 10,000 |
RM 15,000 |
*Subject to a minumum of:-
RM 500.00 for members with 20 employees and less, and
RM 1,000 for members with 21 employees up to 100 employees.
Total Entrance Fee + Subscription Fee
RM 0