The Industrial Relations Panel met on a regular basis to deliberate on industrial relations and human resources issues. The Panel is constituted under Rule 23.5 of the MEF Constitutional Rules and members who are representatives of trade and industry are appointed by the Council on an annual basis.


Mr. Rutheran Sivagnanam

Chamber Group Sdn Bhd


Encik Christopher Raj

Association of Hotel Employers (AHE)

Nominated Members

YBhg Dato' Dr. Lim Weng Khuan

People Quest Sdn Bhd

Encik Mohd Farid Shah bin Mohd Basir


Dr Mohd Syukri Ahmad Sudari

Affin Bank Berhad

Encik David Azzuddin Buxton


Encik Mohd Helmey Ahmad

Bursa Malaysia Berhad

Encik Samarasam Krishnan

Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad

Puan Sarita a/p Beram Shah @ Rajaram

Huber+Suhner (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

YBhg Dato' Palaniappan Joseph

Satake Technologies Sdn Bhd

Encik Anandaraju Mookkapillai

Mookapillai Sdn. Bhd.

Puan Delicia Daviana Matthew

Curtin University

Encik Ahmad Addlan Nabil

Pos Malaysia Berhad

Encik Asif Azwan Amdan

Fujitsu Components (M) Sdn Bhd

Puan Perpetua Wong

Pansar Sdn. Bhd.

Association Members' Representatives

Encik Alan Khoo Choom Kwong

Sabah Employers' Consultative Association (SECA)

Encik Looi Heong Meng

Malayan Commercial Banks' Association (MCBA)

Puan Jackline Mariyam Pillai

Association Of Insurance Employers (AIE)

Tn Hj Abdul Rahman bin Ishak

Malaysian Chamber of Mines (MCM)

Puan Ho Gee Leng

Commercial Employers Association of Peninsular Malaysia (CEAPM)

Encik Christopher S. Raj, KMN

Association of Hotel Employers (AHE)

Puan Maggie Lee

Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH)

Puan Anne Kung Soo Ching

Sarawak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)

Puan Peggy Chew Being Being

Sarawak Timber Association (STA)

YBhg Dato' Shaik Ismail bin Shaik Allaudin

The Stevedore Employers' Association (SEA)

YBhg Dato' Sri Tan Thian Poh

Malaysian Textile Manufacturers Association (MTMA)

Puan Elisabeth Laubel

The Malaysian - French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MFCCI)

Association Members' Regional Representatives

Central Region

Encik Akmal Hamdi Hassan

Permodalan Nasional Berhad

Selangor & Putrajaya Region

Puan Sarita a/p Beram Shah @ Rajaram

Westports Malaysia Sdn Bhd

Southern Region

Encik Gerard Sankar

Gerard & Associates Sdn Bhd

Northern Region

Dr. Thiru Chandran a/l N. S. Thiru Selva

Taiyo Resort (Penang) Bhd


Dr. Siva Sitrembalan

Coherent (M) Sdn Bhd

Negeri Sembilan Area

Encik Raziman Mohd Nasir

On Semiconductor

East Coast Region

Puan Maznah bt Ibrahim

Terengganu Incorporated Sdn Bhd


Encik Raziman Mohd Nasir

On Semiconductor

Hotel Group

Puan Nik Ayu Tania Bakti

Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral

Sabah Region

Encik Fong Min San

Sabah Timber Industries Association

Sarawak Region

Puan Norhayati binti Johari

Senari Synergy Sdn Bhd